Robert Feldman discusses HOT topics on the Jessica Furey Podcast!

Published: June 13, 2024

Robert Feldman on the Jessica Furey podcast

WOWS CEO Robert Feldman was featured on the newest episode of the Jessica Furey podcast! In the episode titled, “Burning Questions That Are Creating A lot of Heat; Home and Fire Insurance in California”, Robert Feldman covers all HOT topics including fire insurance, the current state of the home market, and a touch of barbecue fun facts! Through various outreach initiatives, including seminars, workshops, and online resources, Feldman shares his expertise and insights, empowering communities to take an active role in their own protection. His efforts have garnered widespread recognition and support from industry peers, policymakers, and concerned homeowners alike. If you’re a homeowner, future homeowner, California resident, real estate agent, or work in the real estate industry, this episode is essential listening and a great way to inform clients and prospects. We address the elephant in the room – the many home insurance companies leaving California and the current options available. Robert provides a wide variety of information on how he and his company helps homeowners find the right insurance policy, save money, obtain fire insurance, explains the California Fair Plan, and gives real estate agents tangible tools to continue to serve as a resource to their business. Plus, Robert shares some tips about his love of barbecue cooking. This episode will leave you full of new information to apply immediately to your sphere.

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